At CSPOC we believe in building self-sustaining solutions. We have therefore developed a framework around this, based on our observations working with people, organisations and communities. To attain self-sustaining solutions, we believe that you need to integrate inputs in ‘health’, ‘education’ and ‘enterprise.’ Through time, we have witnessed such investments go a long way and ultimately affecting positive outcomes in ‘wealth,’ ‘citizenship’ and the ‘environment.’ This dynamic model has been applied to our projects, producing successful results. Such successes are characterised by the fact that they are self-sustainable. We therefore measure the success of our projects by whether they can be owned by their beneficiaries, the extent of which these projects can be developed on their own – without further assistance, and whether they are capable of passing to the next generation…and the one after that.
Our NGO Model: Pure Fund Policy
A core principle of our NGO model is what we call ‘Pure Fund Policy’. Unlike many not-for-profit organisations, CSPOC is able to guarantee that when partners or donors provide funds, the entire amount will be invested into their chosen project.
This is achieved through the goodwill of our business partners. For example, Ahmad Tea Ltd. have agreed to cover the costs of our day-to-day overheads and expenses. Our pure donation commitment is extremely rare, and we believe that it helps us working more closely with organisations to pioneer sustainable results.