CSPOC’S Board of Expert Trustees have been advising on sustainable developments for over two decades; drawing on the wealth of knowledge they share from their different professions.
This Board of Trustees is led by our President, Dr Royston Flude, who is the chief consultant on our projects. Dr Royston Flude was instrumental in bringing sustainability onto the United Nations development agenda, and has been lobbying the issue since the early 80s. We now finally see ‘sustainability’ as one of the key focuses at the United Nations under its new Action Agenda for Sustainable Development.
As part of the UN’s new approach to sustainable development comes the recognition of the role businesses have in promoting sustainability, and the need for government agencies to work with businesses in order to deliver sustainable goals. This is exactly what CSPOC tries to achieve and Dr Flude has led the organisation in pursuit of these goals. Dr Flude’s vision on how businesses, academics and philanthropists should work together has formed the basis of the way our network operates at CSPOC.
To hear more about Dr Flude’s ideas on sustainability and to access his previous consultancy work, follow him in his own words on his blog.